Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Out of this movie many became millionaires but in this whole saga there were
two real Slumdogs. Azharuddin Ismail (10 years) who played younger Salim and
Rubina (9 years) who played younger Latika. These kids were picked from real
slums of Mumbai. They were hired to act in this movie for 150 Rupee (Indian
currency) per day which is equivalent to 3 US $.

After success of the movie and Oscars awards, many controversies aroused around payment or lack of it to these kids.Directors and Producers were impromptu to add that they have decided to set up a special fund that would reward the two children once they finished their education. He would not divulge the amount of the funds. "They will receive a substantial sum of money individually when they complete their education," said the 52-year-old director whose film captured eight Oscars.

It is in rumor that, Azharuddin was paid around Rs.175,000 ($3500) which has been put aside in a bank account. The producers have also put aside another Rs.2.5 ($50,000) which he will get when he turns 18. Also, Ismail and Rubina have been given two flats in good locality of Mumbai by the Chief Minister of state.

Slumdog millionaire kids have been in fairy land when they visited United
States for Oscar award but for their families who do not know fairy tales, it was
something they were not able to realize. Kids are battling between two
lives. Azharuddin received a beat-down from his dad after returning from US for refusing to be put on display like a trophy outside his Mumbai home.
Good thing is, they are getting some more Indian movies to be signed up, the first one is Bollywood film 'Kal Kissne Dekha' by famous producer-director Vasu Bhagnani.

In India Henna (Mehndi) is part of all auspicious occasion. For Rubina
perhaps this was auspicious most to visit a country she had never dreamt of. She was happily showing her henna clad hands in the plane.
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Also in the Oscar party beautiful henna designs where shining with full color in her hands.

The most benefit came to grown up Latika, Freida Pinto (24).

She has accepted a role in Woody Allen's new movie. Freida is model turned actress and has appeared in many Indian advertisement.

Apparently in the struggling days she had a website. To find it which is no longer there. Before starring in Slumdog Millionaire, Freida anchored the international travel show, Full Circle on Zee International Asia Pacific in English between 2006-08.

Pinto was also featured in several television and print advertisements for products such as Wrigley's Chewing Gum, Škoda, Hutch, Airtel, and DeBeers.

Pinto modeled for ten years and appeared in runway shows and magazine covers. Slumdog millionaire was her debut movie.

Of course she could not hide away from paparazzi and rumors regarding her personal
life which started with her dating with Dev Patel then something like she is
already married. Finally it was established that she was engaged with a guy name Rohan. But recent news is that the engagement is called off now.

If I do not mention A. R. Rehman in this blog, it would  be incomplete.

He is master musician. Given a new definition to the Indian film music. He had won umpteen number of awards in India for his music. If you ask any one in India, you will have the same answer that music score in Slumdog Millionaire was not that great.
There are better musical pieces created by Rahman himself. If you have seen movie 'Inside Man' (Danzel Washington), the title song is taken from one of the Indian movie and music was given by Rahman. Rahman already has association with Hollywood movies, 'War of World' is one of the movies with his background music.

As someone who has worked extensively in India and abroad, he admits that there are vast differences between desi music and international, mainly because the philosophies behind the two differ. Music, in any form, fascinates him. “I have no favorites and I don’t hate any kind of music. I can’t understand how anyone else can ‘hate’ or even ‘dislike’ a particular style of music. ‘Hate’ is too strong a word,” says the 42-year-old composer.